Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ninja Beanie!

Today I made a beanie to wear (quite inappropriately) in June when I'm yarnbombing. It makes me look rather like a ninja! A very bright ninja. Randomly, I did an interview this morning with Kris Sanchez from NBC 11 about yarnbombing, I'm hoping I didn't seem totally dorky...
So it occurred to me that perhaps at some point someone may want to make a knitted balloon too (or even help make them for the bombing this June) so I've pasted the pattern I made up below. It's quite simple, if you can knit in the round it should be no problem for you! It's pretty easy to dress up with stripes, or fun stitch patterns if you like that kind of thing (and I do). Today I popped the balloons out of the knitted balloons that had dried. They make a rather delightful pop, then little crunkling noises as the balloon begrudgingly peels away from the hardened glue on the knitting. I've finished 16 balloons so far (I would have finished one more, but I got distracted and made the ninja beanie today instead)!

Knitted Balloon
(let me know if you need any clarification)
I'm using bulky yarns mostly, size 10.5 dpn and 12" circular needles

rnd 1 cast on 6 sts, divide onto 3 dpn.
join in a circle
rnd 2 increase every stitch all the way (you will have 12 sts)
rnd 3 k 1, inc 1 rep
rnd 4 k
rnd 5 k 2, inc 1 rep
rnd 6 k
rnd 7 k 3, inc 1 rep
rnd 8 k
continue in this manner to increase every other rnd, adding a k st before the inc until you have 8 sts before the inc.
K for 12 or so rnds

the decrease begins!
rnd 1 k 8, k 2 tog, rep
rnd 2 k
rnd 3 k 7, k 2 tog, rep
rnd 4 k
rnd 5 k 6, k 2 tog, rep
rnd 6 k
continue to decrease every other row in this manner, subtracting 1 k before the decrease until you have 12 sts
k 2 tog around
finish by cutting the yarn and running it through the remaining sts and knot.

Now you dip the knitted balloon in a mix of 1/2 water, 1/2 Elmer's Glue. Then you insert a balloon into the bottom and blow it up (this is kind of the gross part) and hang to dry. Pop the balloon once dry. All done!

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